Membership at Temple Shalom--Belonging
Temple Shalom, Colorado Springs' oldest and largest Jewish congregation, is a vibrant, growing congregation in Colorado Springs with over 230 member families. We strive to provide a variety of programs and services to our members as well as to the local community. Worship Services, Religious School, Preschool, Men's Club, Senior Program, and Adult Education programs are among the many programs that are offered at Temple Shalom. Our members represent all generations, from our founding senior members, to families with children of all ages, single parents and their families, couples with diverse experiences and backgrounds, and people who are seeking a connection to the Jewish community.
Temple Shalom offers a variety of adult and youth education programs. Each member joins as a sustaining contributor thru membership dues, tuition fees for participation in Religious School and the Preschool, as well as for some of the special adult education programs that the Temple offers. Many programs and courses taught by Rabbi Jay Sherwood are offered at no cost to Temple Shalom members. Revenues from programs help to offset the budgetary expenditures of our congregation.
If you have any questions about membership or are interested in joining our congregation, we invite you to contact the Temple office or reach out directly to our Executive Director. We are happy to answer your questions or have someone from the Temple Membership Committee contact you. Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions or if you would like additional information. We look forward to getting to know you and welcoming you to our congregation! Membership IS belonging!
It is one thing to be included, but it is another to feel like you fully belong. At Temple Shalom, we are continually striving to create a community where every person feels like they are an integral part of our congregation. As an organization, we are extremely proud of the work we have done to formulate an inclusive environment, but we know that we can certainly do more to ensure our programs feel like home. Belonging is not only an invitation for a seat in the sanctuary; it is making that seat an enjoyable place to sit. Belonging is not only creating a place that accepts differences; it is a place that embraces and celebrates those differences. Belonging is not only receiving help from the community; it is giving back to it. Belonging is not just welcoming someone in; it is making sure they are here to stay.
Temple Shalom Dues
Temple Shalom has annual, sustaining dues, for membership. Sustaining Dues are what is needed to keep our doors open and serve the community.
Enhanced membership levels, Chai and Chessed levels that support our growth, are outlined in the Member Application (left sidebar). We also provide a flexible, personal approach for anyone who may need financial assistance to belong to our congregation. We include any Jewish person who desires to be part of our community regardless of their financial position. All new members should complete the Membership Application and Dues Form (left sidebar) and return it to the temple office. Please give us a call to introduce yourself, request a welcome meeting and tour of Temple Shalom--we look forward to welcoming you!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is included in membership dues?
Temple Shalom's Sustaining Annual Dues include family tickets to all High Holy Day services, Rabbi Sherwood's classes, direct contact with our clergy and staff, eligibility to enroll in our Religious School, reduced fees for Preschool tuition, tutoring and special preparation for B'nai Mitzvah, monthly Member Bulletin, reduced rates for Son's of Israel and B'nai Shalom cemetery plots, discounts on events open to the general public, full life-cycle support and many other benefits.
May I come to Temple Shalom services and programs if I'm not a member?
Absolutely! Shabbat Services at Temple Shalom are open to visitors, as are many of our programs and events. Please complete a guest registration form to attend for the first time. You will check in with security at the entry door. If you are not a member of Temple Shalom, special tickets are required for admission to High Holy Day Services, Events and Programs. Membership is required in order to send your children to Religious School classes. We welcome visitors and hope you will consider coming to our services and programs! Please be sure to contact the office and always register in advance using the online calendar.
What size is the Jewish community in Colorado Springs?
A study of the Jewish population in Colorado Springs has not been conducted by any national Jewish agencies. However, according to a 2002 study done by the American Jewish Committee, there are approximately 73,000 Jews in the State of Colorado. Of that number, approximately 70,000 live in the Denver/Boulder metro area. Colorado Springs is a fast growing medium-sized city with approximately 361,000 residents, so we estimate that there are several thousand Jewish families in the Colorado Springs area.
Fri, February 14 2025
16 Shevat 5785
Membership Application & Bylaws
To join Temple Shalom, download the Membership Application and Dues Form and return it to the Temple Office.
Here's a copy of our Bylaws.
Temple Calendar
View the
Temple Shalom Calendar
Diversity & Inclusion
Proudly serving our community in the Reform and Conservative traditions.
1523 E. Monument Street | Colorado Springs, CO 80909 | 719-634-5311
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