B'nai Mitzvah Preparation
B'nai Mitzvah at Temple Shalom
Becoming a bar or bat mitzvah at Temple Shalom requires formal preparation in our Religious School in Kindergarten-Sixth grade and dedicated year of study with individualized tutoring that begins six months prior to the date of the anticipated bar/bat mitzvah date.
At Temple Shalom a child will be called to the Torah as bar/bat mitzvah at the age of 13. Each simcha is tailored to the strengths of the student and individualized to highlight their transition into adulthood in our congregation. As a Religious School class, each group of students participate and lead parts of our Shabbat services in preparation for their Bar/t Mitzvah. Shabbat/Holiday attendance is required each year of Religious School in a corresponding participation and preparation of skill mastery.
Formal Torah/Haftarah tutoring is paired with tutoring for mastery of specific Kabbalat Shabbat blessings and prayers and the Saturday morning Shabbat service. Tutoring is arranged on an individual basis through the Education Coordinator and between the tutor(s) and the b’nai mitzvah family.
Materials and specific resources for study are provided by Temple Shalom beginning in the 6th grade year, during which parents/guardians of bar/bat mitzvah candidates are required to participate in Project Mishpacha, the once-a-month class which explores the b’nai mitzvah preparation experience with Rabbi Sherwood. As a sixth grader, students are required to attend six (6) Shabbat/Holiday services and participate and lead. Once in training for Bar/t Mitzvah-beginning the year prior to their date, the Bar/t Mitzvah Candidate will attend and lead parts of the Shabbat Service at thirteen (13) services or holidays. In this way, our students are prepared and comfortable leading from the bima prior to their simcah date.
Mon, October 14 2024
12 Tishrei 5785
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