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Erev Rosh Hashana - Community/Dessert Oneg

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 29 Elul 5784

7:00 PM - 8:30 PMTaxman Sanctuary

Registration open.


Temple Shalom tradition welcomes congregants to celebrate Rosh Hashanah at an Oneg after services.  We need bakers and volunteers for set-up and clean up for the Oneg on Wednesday October 2, 2024.

Please bring your baked goods to the Temple by Wednesday October 2nd, 10:00 am.

All the pastries should be left in the upstairs kitchen. Volunteers will plate, arrange tables, and set up for the evening. If you choose to bring your baked goods with you to services, please bring them plated and bring them downstairs if you are able. Please label your item if it contains nuts or is gluten free.  There will be a table downstairs for gluten free items.


SET UP – Wednesday, October 2nd 10:00am.  We will meet in the upstairs kitchen to plate baked goods, and to set the tables downstairs.  Additional details will be provided that morning.

CLEAN-UP – Clear tables and wrap left over baked goods for the freezer. Return serving platters to the upstairs kitchen. Additional information will be provided in the downstairs kitchen.

Contact Susan Schenk, Coordinator (719-237-2662) & Read this document.

Please label your dish with 'Rosh Hashana Oneg' and your name.
More information in this document.

Tell us what you're bringing by noting your contribution in the Notes field.
Tell us WHO is coming by putting everyone's name in the Notes field.
Notes is a REQUIRED field.


If you are NOT a member of Temple Shalom (a guest), please go here to fill out our online, High Holy Day Guest Registration.

Registering on this Event Page does NOT replace the Guest (non-member) Registration.

Sorry, Registration has ended.

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Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785